
Three Essential (and Free) SEO Tools

Three Essential (and Free) SEO Tools

The category under which this blog appears is “Content is King”. Given the shifting sands of Google’s page ranking algorithms, this is one of the few truisms to which most SEO bloggers would agree. Write good, informative and snappy content, and you should expect an improvement in your search engine results over time.

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Copyright 2011 Eric Bank, Freelance Writer
The Death of SEO

The Death of SEO

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The skeletal Grim Reaper with scythe in handGoogle shoved the blade in, now Bing is twisting it. It seems apparent that SEO has suffered a horrible defeat at the hands of these two major search engines. With the adoption by Bing of Google’s strategy to localize and personalize search engine results pages (SERPs), we clearly see the victor planting its flag in the fertile soil of online marketing: all hail pay per click!

As the largest PPC business on the planet, Google AdWords stands ready to deliver those first page results you have spent so many months or years building through organic SEO. Delivered for a substantial price, of course. Continue reading “The Death of SEO” »

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Copyright 2011 Eric Bank, Freelance Writer